Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Mental Health Stereotypes

Of course there are tons of stereotypes for different things out here in the world. But mental health is the focus of this post. There are many stereotypes about mental health which make it harder for someone who may be experiencing one, to reach out and get the proper help in fear of others make assumptions about them based off of the stereotypes. This post will name off a few stereotypes and give the truth:fact about it. 

Stereotype: It's just a phase, you'll get over it

Truth: If you or someone you know is acting out of the normal or is having difficulty dealing with emotions, knw that you are in risk of a developing mental illness and need to seek help before anything furthers. 

Stereotype: Prevention doesn't work

Truth: Addressing risk factors such as traumatic events of episodes of unusual moods can change the chance of a mental illness developing. Promoting emotional wellbeing and social change leads to improvement in emotions and high productivity.

Stereotype: Youth don't experience mental illnesses. They are moody due to hormones and body changes

Truth: Youth are more at risk of a mental health than adults because of the body changes and hormones during the adolescent stage. Social and Psychological changes happening during this time can cause stress and confusion for youth change if not taking care of can lead to a developing mental illness. 

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