Thursday, January 7, 2016

It's okay to not be okay

Having a mental health illness has always been looked at in a bad way. It's as if you've been labeled "damaged goods", so now no one wants to be around you. You are not handicap because of a mental illness. Having bipolar disorder or an eating disorder doesn't mean you are broken and will never see another good day again. Just like breaking an arm or leg, you can recovery and heal again. The stigma behind being diagnosed with a mental illness makes those of us who are experiencing symptoms afraid to reach out and get help. The quote, It's okay to not be okay, has so much power behind. In my opinion this quote is saying that it's okay to have a bad day, not feel like myself or just cant feel better. Soon, someday, I will see sunny days and be able to smile. Don't let your mental disorder, be who you are.


  1. This is a wonderful blog. Mental health and illness is still such a stigmatized component of overall health. Great way to create awareness. Your writing style is approachable and easily understood. Good job Nakasha! Keep up the good work.


  2. This is a wonderful blog. Mental health and illness is still such a stigmatized component of overall health. Great way to create awareness. Your writing style is approachable and easily understood. Good job Nakasha! Keep up the good work.


  3. Thank you so much. I appreciate the comment!
