Tuesday, January 19, 2016

When To Get Help?

Dealing with a mental illness isn't easy. The stigma on mental health makes it even harder. The negative view on having a mental illness causes those who are dealing with one to feel ashamed or embarrassed. Those who are wanting to get help are hiding behind the fear of being seen as "weird" or "crazy". Getting help for yourself is never too late. The first step is realizing you aren't your normal self anymore. You've stopped hanging out with your core group of friends, you don't go to the mall or favorite store anymore. This is when you would try to talk to someone who can listen closely to your feelings and current emotions to help guide you to the right professional help. There are therapist and support groups that give you back the control over your mind and health.

If you, or someone you know, is having a hard time getting up in the mornings or trying to do daily activities, please speak to someone about how you've been feeling. The fear in not knowing what you may be experiencing isn't worse than your symptoms worsening if you don't get the proper help.

For those who may know someone who isn't acting as themselves lately, look for these symptoms:


  • weight gain/loss
  • loss of interest on daily activities
  • feelings of worthlessness, sadness
  • rapid heartbeat, dizziness
  • panic attacks
  • unable to be calm
Eating Disorder
  • eats once a day, small or large portions
  • excessive exercise
  • uses the bathroom after every meal
Bipolar Disorders
  • high levels of energy 
  • aggressive behavior
  • episodes of deprssion


  1. This is a very important topic. Mental Health disorders should not be treated any different than a physical illness. Thanks for sharing this info!
